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Ultra Pro Wrestling Sim

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PowerMark Links

This is the PowerMark links page. I have links to some of my favorite sites, including some those of my friends, and other popular web pages. If you want your site here, drop me a line at

Macintosh Emulators

Note to PC users: Here are three programs that will allow you to run any PowerMark program (and most Macintosh programs) on your PCs. You only need one, but I supplied three in case one doesn't work for you.

Wrestling Links

Here are links to various sites dealing with professional wrestling.

  • Ultimate Extreme Wrestling Simulator - Here is a cool wrestling simulator that is cross-platform. Also features a weekly card where your wrestlers can face celebrities, and more!
  • Amazon Wrestling Views - A site that belongs to one of my friends, this is for a newsletter on Women's wrestling... cool stuff, you should check it out!
  • E-Wrestling Home Page - Here is a great site that lists tons of e-wrestling feds and wrestling simulators. Give it a look, it'll be worth it.
  • Internet Wrestling Zone - This is the best source for wrestling news and rumors!
  • Wrestleline - Another good source for news and rumors on the big three, plus various indie feds. Very good columns and articles, which puts it ahead of the competition in that category.
  • - The official website for the best federation, World Championship Wrestling!
  • WWF Online - Here is the official website for the World Wrestling Federation.
  • ECW Wrestling - It's extreeeeme! Here is the official home of Extreme Championship Wrestling!

Other Links

  • GameMaker Homepage - GameMaker is a spectacular, easy-to-use program that will allow you to create your own games on the Mac! No programming skills required, and a lot of fun! Make you sure you give it a try!
  • Tripod - No, I was NOT forced to put this here, but I did it anyway... if you want good web hosting, check out Tripod. It's free and easy.