Simple Wrestling Sim
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  Welcome to the site for the Simple Wrestling Simulator. SWS is a text-based program that will allow you to create wrestlers, referees, title belts, and even foreign objects! Click the links below to go to various sections of the SWS page.

[Example Matches]

SWS Description

The Simple Wrestling Simulator lives up to its name, allowing you to put together your dream matches, like Steve Austin and Bill Goldberg. Or, perhaps, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates! Whatever match you want, go ahead and customize every detail! You can choose wrestler's finishers, abilities, and more. The referees lenience level can be adjusted. Unlimited possibilities are availible for creating foreign objects! There are over twenty different match types in current SWS version 2.8, so go ahead, sign and run any match you would like!

Would you like to see who would win in a third confrontation, Shawn Micheals and Razor Ramon, in a Ladder Match? Interested in seeing Bill Clinton against Bob Dole with Al Gore as the special guest referee? Can't wait for Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in the steel cage for the King of Computers Title Belt? Don't wait! Download SWS v2.8 today!



SWS is currently at version 2.8, which is one of its many updates. The Simple Wrestling Simulator is approaching its final update, version 3.0 (after SWS 3.0 is released, UPWS will be the main project). SWS v3.0 will include many new features and loads of additional matches that will keep all the wrestling fans busy until UPWS is finally released:

  • Face and heel wrestlers for accurate crowd reactions!
  • Much improved ladder match! Multiple ladders, top rope counters, and more!
  • New match: Four corners for singles wrestlers! This match will be for 3-6 singles wrestlers. Each man occupies a turnbuckle, and any man can tag any of his opponents in. The match can be elimination or sudden death.
  • New match: Four corners tag match! Four teams of two wrestlers will be at each turnbuckle. Any wrestler can tag his one of his opponents or his teammate. The last team left wins.
  • New match: Six and eight man tag! These are tag matches with three or four wrestlers on each team.
  • New match: Table match! This singles competition will go until one of the wrestlers has been put through a table!
  • New match: Japanese Death match! The ropes are replaced with razor-sharp barbed wire, and the ring is loaded with C4 explosives!


You can use the links below to download Simple Wrestling Simulator version 2.8 and various extras. Mac users: if you can't unstuff these files, you may need Stuffit Expander. Also, only download the .zip version if the .hqx version does not work, because .hqx is specially formatted for Macs. PC users: you will need some small additional equipment to be able to use PowerMark programs, go to the links section to find it, if you don't have it already. Enjoy!

Download Name Mac Download (.sit) Mac/PC Download (.zip) Short Description
Simple Wrestling Simulator v2.8 SWS.sit Program that simulates pro wrestling matches. Comes with two wrestlers, one title, one referee, and one weapon.
SWS Starters starters.sit Eleven "starter" wrestlers that were used in the example matches.


Example Matches

Here are example matches made with SWS. You can read any of these matches in their entirety by clicking the name of the match. Some matches are from version 3.0, which is not finished/released yet. Keep in mind that all matches are completely unedited and come directly from SWS either version 2.8 or version 3.0. Also, the ladder match is availible in version 2.8, but the match here was run in 3.0, which has a much more extensive ladder match.

Bill Goldberg vs. Steve Austin
Mike Awesome vs. The Big Bossman (steel cage)
Chris Benoit vs. Jeff Jarret (ladder match, v3.0)
Team WWF vs. Team WCW (eight man tag, v3.0)